Everything Afterschool Out-of-School-Time Enrichment Fair
was a networking event created by J. Wester of the Neighborhood Learning
Alliance and Penny Lang, the School Age Care Coordinator for the Office of
Child Development held on March 28, 2013.
Included in the exhibitors were 43 After-School
enrichment and summer camp providers that represented a wide variety of
enrichment activities from Art, Music, and Dance to STEM related enrichment as
well as Media enrichment using Radio Programs & Public Access TV. The range
of activities available to after school programs provided by the Enrichment
Resource Exhibitors mirrors the rich cultural opportunities that Pittsburgh can
provide. The event attracted many afterschool providers curious about the opportunities
available for their programs. They went from table to table talking to
exhibitors. Quality after school programs are an essential part of many efforts to help students achieve academic success.
This event was a great way to create
relationships between after-school providers and enrichment providers that
will build quality into the after-school programs throughout Pittsburgh. To
review the wide range of enrichment possibilities and get more information about
the Exhibitors, click here to see our Afterschool Enrichment Resources page.